Hiding headers and footers on pages

  • Member
    October 25, 2020 at 7:45 am #11329

    Hello, thank you for all your help so far, we are very happy. A little while agi you gave me this code below to hide headers and footers on pages. I added to additional css in theme options but it does not work. Just red “X” errors show. Can I just copy and paste this or do I need more code to make it work?

    //checkout page
    .page-id-13802 #masthead .masthead{
    //hide footer checkout page
    .page-id-13802 .wrapper-footer{

    //cart page
    .page-id-13800 #masthead .masthead{
    //hide footer cart page
    .page-id-13800 .wrapper-footer{

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