Hello Support,
I do have few questions for you about the system following:
1. How can I set up the listing of rooms with 2 items per row (instead of 4 per row)
[hotel_list_all_room orderby=”date” order=”desc” limit=”20″]2. How can I set up size of thumnail photo on the listing page to be 4:3 size instead of square photo?
3. Can we set up the cookies to remember the input fields ? bacuase when client use the search to show the rooms listing of availability
and they are select some room to see the room detail, they have to choose the checkin and checkout date again to add this book to the cart
4. Do we can set up the promote code in the search field somewhere ?
Example: When we setup the promotion code and special package
and lets our guest click the link from facebook to our landing pageis possible to lead them to specific page and the coupon code already embed on <input hidden> something like that?
Thank you in advance
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