1. How can i set calendar availability of 2021? Actually I’m not allow to display 2021 calendar. –> I mean that I can set any date available in 2021 because system doesn’t allow me to do that. Please see screen https://prnt.sc/ut9hq2 Calendar 2021 is not available in settings.
I see you set Max year to enable is 2020 so you can’t disable dates of 2021 https://prnt.sc/v0ydnt
3. I can’t find in plugin Travel booking the way to translate the booking form + tours tabs (itinerary, etcc) + tours search box. Can you please show me where to find it?
Here is the screen of what i need to translate https://prnt.sc/tu324v https://prnt.sc/umhlab and https://prnt.sc/uyjdpz
Please go to your dashboard -> WPML -> String translation -> https://prnt.sc/v0ye5d -> find the text you need translate, create the translation
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Yesterday I received a feedback from you to install the plugin (Loco translate), But still I could change some of the wordings only inside the website.Please let me know from which plugin codes i need to convert to have tour tabs in japanese (Description, Itinerary, Review tabs).
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Hi, Can you please let me know how to translate description, itinerary and location tabs into Japanese. Also I want to know how can I change the tabs or remove it. Thank you.
In the Single Tour product tabs I want to translate the following tabs:
– Description —> should say: “Descripción”
– Itinerary —–> should say: “Itinerario”
I tried with the approach in this thread (http://support.physcode.com/forums/topic/i-can-not-translate-espanol/) but doesn’t seem to work. I cannot find those words to translate directly with “Loco Translate” either.
I’d be very grateful if you could help me with this!
Thank you very much and have a nice day 🙂

Try with:
* Rename product data tabs
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_rename_tabs', 98 );
function woo_rename_tabs( $tabs ) {
$tabs['description']['title'] = __( 'More Information' ); // Rename the description tab
$tabs['reviews']['title'] = __( 'Ratings' ); // Rename the reviews tab
$tabs['itinerary_tab']['title'] = __( 'Product Data' ); // Rename the additional information tab
return $tabs;
And plugin Loco Translate
Fill up the form below to tell us what you’re looking for

Hi there,
Just installed WPML and got stuck trying to translate the product tabs (‘Itineray’,’Location’) and the tab content – I have no idea where the tab titles or the tab content is located for translation.
All WPML plugins are installed – according to your support recommendations. Please advise.
I have three questions.
1. How to translate the site into other languages? For example, in Russian and Ukrainian.
2. On the page “http://trophy.travel/tours/discover-singapore/” I have 3 tabs “description”, “ITINERARY” and “REVIEWS”. I want to replace the “REVIEWS” tab with the same one as the “description”, so that I could write additional information there.
3. How to disable comments?
Post count: 2065
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Post count: 3990
Hi monsoonpk,
1. You can add the custom code below to file functions.php of theme
function my_custom_booking_form_tab( $tabs ) {
$tabs['booking_form'] = array(
'title' => __( 'Form Booking', 'travelwp' ),
'callback' => 'my_custom_booking_tab',
'priority' => 50,
return $tabs;
add_filter( 'tour_booking_default_product_tabs', 'my_custom_booking_form_tab' );
function my_custom_booking_tab( $slug, $tab ) {
do_action( 'tour_booking_single_booking' );
2. You can use Loco Translate Plugin to translate it in plugin ‘travel-booking’
How to translate WordPress theme, plugins
we have problems with the german translation of the travelwp theme.
#1 The widget Tour Search has no german translation so far.
#2 As well the translation within the product site, the tabs, are missing.
Description, Itinerary, Location, Reviews
#3 Price
#4 Within the product, the lenght of the tour: 2 Days – 1 Night (teaser on top left)
#5 The Tour-Search on the mainpage – no translation for: Tourname, Tourtype, Seach-Tours-Button. However, Destination was translated.
How can we translate those?
Post count: 3990
1, I am sorry about that, you only can make Destinations in Attributes. You can translate Attributes to your language.
2, I need to access back-end on your site. Please send wp-admin account to me.
3, You can add custom tab http://docs.physcode.com/travelwp-wordpress-theme-documentation/#how-to-add-new-tabs-for-tour-or-product
Post count: 11
Hi Tanet,
Thanks for the plugin update, it’s loading the Name and not the slug now. But…is not always working! Sometimes it loads “[:en]Destination[:es]Destino[:fr]Destination[:pt]Destino[:]” instead the right country language translation. If we made a refresh in the page it will load the right language string but sometimes the qtranslateX sting its loaded again. After a few refreshes it show again the problem, but is not a constant problem.
Problem (inpect):
<div class=”form-field-select”><select name=”tourtax[pa_destination]”><option value=”0″>[:en]Destination[:es]Destino[:fr]Destination[:pt]Destino[:]</option><option value=”beaches”>Beaches</option><option value=”canada-pt”>Canada</option><option value=”cuba-pt”>Cuba</option><option value=”magicmountains”>Magic Montains</option><option value=”philippines-pt”>Philippines</option><option value=”brazil”>Brazil</option><option value=”canada”>Canada</option><option value=”cuba”>Cuba</option><option value=”usa”>USA</option><option value=”philippines”>Philippines</option><option
No problem(inspect, after a refresh):
<div class=”form-field-select”><select name=”tourtax[pa_destination]”><option value=”0″>Destination</option><option value=”beaches”>Beaches</option><option value=”canada-pt”>Canada</option><option value=”cuba-pt”>Cuba</option><option value=”magicmountains”>Magic Montains</option><option value=”philippines-pt”>Philippines</option><option value=”brazil”>Brazil</option><option value=”canada”>Canada</option><option value=”cuba”>Cuba</option><option value=”usa”>USA</option><option value=”philippines”>Philippines</option><option value=”italy”>Italy</option></select></div>
It’s being hard to overcome this issue…all the translations are working well with qtranslateX(content) or Loco Translate(theme and plugins). This one should work(always) with the stings in the language tabs from qtranslateX…now I have no idea how to fix this.
Please take a look again (the same credentials to the backend are aveilable for you).
Post count: 3990
1,2. You can use plugin “Loco Translate” to translate text, please see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDpeLQTsY84.
3. You add custom code bellow to file functions.php of child theme
add_filter( 'tour_booking_default_product_tabs', 'remove_product_tabs_location', 98 );
function remove_product_tabs_location( $tabs ) {
// remove tab reviews in single tour
unset( $tabs['reviews'] );
return $tabs;