Few Questions

  • Member
    April 10, 2020 at 8:36 am #10421

    I recently started working with TraveBlog theme. I am not a coder and have few question:
    1. All my posts received the color purple when they are shown in a posts list, except for one that is blue. I want all the posts to have that blue color, how do I change them?
    2. How do I edit the footer? I currently edited the Copyright Right with content for 4 columns, but they are all aligned to the right, instead of being spread on the screen. also their color is too dark and barely visible.
    3. I added the logo to the footer (copyright right), but the image is cut from up and down. How do I fix this?
    4. How do I show for the posts only the date they were created in, without “written by” or “Categories”?
    5. some post pages end with lines redirecting to other posts (not Related posts). These lines are not formatted in any way, and should be removed. how do I remove them?


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