Multi currency plugin imcompatability issue

  • Member
    May 12, 2020 at 8:52 am #10550

    Hello, I tried posting this earlier today and your system did not accept it here in tickets, I am trying again to post it.

    Our support tickt to the Woo Commerce Multi Cuurency support:

    Hello, hope all is well. We are happy with our purchase of your plugin but notice one thing is not working. We run a tour company online and the adult price and child price is changing with your plugin, BUT we also have additional tour variations that we have added to many tours in the form of added costs in travel or taxi round trip for example. The currency symbol changes on these variations on each tour but the amount remains the same in the base currency. How can we change this please?

    Here is the example tour link I am referring to and I have attached screen shots.

    Luxury Catamaran Phuket – Half Day Sunset Tour & Party Cruise

    I just want to set it up so that any variations to pricing that we add to any tours on our site, so that your plugin also changes the currency and price of the variations please. The plug in only changes the currency for the ADULT price only, it does not change the currency amount for any vriations added to the tours or even the CHILD price, only thing it does is add the currency symbol but does not change the amount from Thai currency to the amount required.

    ALSO: we would like to set up so customers can see the price in their currency but when they check out they are only forced to pay in Thai Baht in Paypal, I think we have done it but not exactly sure.

    Their SUPPORT reply:

    Hi Justin Peard,

    Thank you for reporting us your issue.

    I found a note that your tour price for tour products that you created are not standard products of WooCommerce, that leads to the incompatibility with WooCommerce Multi Currency. Please build your tour products based on WooCommerce standard products.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Lavender Vu

    VillaTheme Support Team.

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