Good morning PhysCode,
I have the following questions about TourWP:
1. I want to arrange my tours in rows of 3 tours. I can set this in ‘List Tour Settings’ by setting ‘Tours on row’ to 3 (or whatever). However, although there are now 3 columns, not all rows are filled with tours: there are open row elements. (see http://www.dmtours.lk). Why is that and how can I change this?
2. I want to show the tours in some specific order. When I open the list of tours (Dashboard / Products / Tours) there is an option ‘sorting’ above the list. When I click this, I can drag a tour to any position in the list I want. However, there is no ‘save’ option, and after closing the tours list, the ordering of the tours is unchanged. The funny thing is that, when I open the list again, the modified order becomes visible. Question: how can I persist the modified order?
Kind regards, John Pool
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