Could Not Upload via WordPress and Demo doesn't work

  • Member
    April 23, 2017 at 4:33 am #206

    Hi There

    i try to add new theme via wordpress dashboard but could not go through. “are you sure to do this” message show up. Then i ulpoaded zip file name travelwp using file manager inside my website Cpanel. Then i see the travelwp zip in theme folder, then i extracted it. Now travelwp exist in the theme list.

    the i try demo importer but it doesn’t work. My website empty. Loading sign is there but now single picture or word show up. For your infomation, as far as i concern, there is no wordpress importer plugin is activated during i use demo impotrter.

    please advise me if you need my Cpanel and WordPress passowrd&Username



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